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friends of mine

i am a  bit happy in this rainy afternoon.
the ticket is already issued and i am going to go to jakarta next thursday.
i already asked fryda to meet me at friday nite.
she’s going to meet my bee, officialy *gak di busway lagi nduk :p* and of course i do have a lot of stories to share. maybe some karaoke or drinks. thats fine 🙂
i wish kiki could come. i do miss you both, girls.
looking your pictures creates gloomy feeling inside
i feel like i am alone, here.

Lya Rizky Andarini Dwi Lestari (I envy your ‘ME’ smile) – Fryda Roslina Dewi (i let you do the design, i let you fill my heart with your words, thanks. its always nice to talk with you)


sometimes you found something does not fit in you you have 2 choices ignore it or against it me, i prefer to ignore it well, okay. added some tears on it 🙁 *sigh

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