About the Job Interview, Traffic Jam and the Baby

I just got back from a job interview. It went well. They want me to join the company but I refused. Yes, I refused the job. The money is pretty good (too good malahan), the job is similar to my current work, the environment is nice. Its an American company doing some oil and electrical engineering. Nice offer.

So why did I refuse? Because I have to work on the weekend. Yes, they work from Monday to Saturday. The employer asked me to give an honest answer. I said ‘Im sorry, I cant’. Then I told her about my priority.

I am a Mom to one kid. I have this little family I have to handle. By working on Saturday, even its only half day (8 to 3) I lost some hours of my quality time with husband and Lemon. I dont want to lose the moment.

You know, I need to work, its not about the money, its about me need to do something useful to my self and others. I find it by working, but it doesnt mean that I give less attention to Lemon. I still concern about her health, her development, her menu and another thing mom usually do. Knowing that she’s okay, healthy, loved and cheerful, is enough for me.

I should have known that this is gonna be tough. Working in Jakarta has never been easy. You have to deal with the traffic jam everywhere. You have to deal with a various type of people. Sometimes, in the end of the day, it gives you nothing but exceptional fatigue (iye lebay :p) and a headache. But hey! I am survived and alive, and that feeelllsss good :D. Everyday, at 11 p.m, I come home and find my baby is asleep. In the morning, I just have 2-3 hours playing with her before I join another urban people contribute to the traffic jam, going to the office. Everyday. So, the weekend is supposed to be her time. Playing, swimming, cook her a special menu, put her to sleep and blablabla.

The key words are: I dont want to lose the moment.

Yes I need to work but its not everything. I cant sacrifice my little family to my own ego.

Speaking about typical urban worker, by saying I dont have a time, i spend my life on the road, im tired i could die yadda yadda yadda, you may ask me: why dont you quit working or at least go back to Magelang where anything seems so well-organized, no traffic jam, no pressure? First, I need to work to keep me sane, to be useful as I mentioned before. Second, there is no good offer back in Magelang, the little town. Third, I find my passion here.

So, why do I complain, like almost every day? Its your choice, its your life eat that. Okay, Im sorry if I complain a lot. Human. Yea, an excuse I know. (Btw, komplen macet malah udah hampir gapernah, sehari hari mah telen aja)

I tell you, I feel very insulted when someone said: ‘ngeluh macet sendirinya biang kemacetan’ – ‘ngeluh macet sendirinya urban’. I am sorry but you hurt me I could cry. You never walk on my shoes. You have no idea. Do you remember Marzuki Ali? The person who said: “Mentawai itu kan pulau. Jauh itu. Pulau kesapu dengan tsunami, ombak besar, konsekuensi kita tinggal di pulaulah, Kalau tahu berisiko pindah sajalah” Nah, there you are, sharing the brain, have no sympathy.

I want to back to my hometown, i wish i could. But this pathetic girl has no better option. But anyway, I have a dream to live with my little family far from here and Im working on it. Granny will help me to make it happen, Im sure 🙂

About the job interview. So yeah, the employer thanked me for being so honest. She also told me that she needs to find another job because working from Monday to Saturday is frustrating. LOL.

I walked out the building, going back to the office. smiling all the way. I am happy that I have passed a job interview well. I still have my claw, sharp 😀

  1. syahranny 30/11/2011 at 4:42 am

    I cant sacrifice my little family to my own ego.

    8 thumbs up for u. #sambil angkat jempol mbak ajeng.

    ngik ngik….

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